今天跟宜、倩、琦和熱茶跑去Bellevue 吃飲茶。
半島海鮮酒家Top Gun seafood Restaurant12450 SE 38th St, Bellevue WA 98006tel: (425) 641-3386
盡情地點了很多東西,我覺得四、五個人是飲茶的理想人數,人少的話很難點菜。吃完結帳一個人十四塊,東西好吃、價錢合理,算是不錯的一間餐廳,不過Bellevue 對我來說有點遠,並沒有好吃到以後會不辭辛勞特地跑過來,飲茶的話我還是比較喜歡International District 的翠苑。
吃完飲茶後我們繞去琦介紹一間Bellevue 的糕餅店:
Belle Pastry10246-A Main Street, Bellevue, WA 98004Phone: 425-289-0015
店裡氣氛很好,甜點看起來精緻可口,可惜我剛吃完飲茶,還處於非常飽的狀態,肚子完全沒有多餘的空間容納甜點,只點了一杯chai tea,下次有機會再來享受悠閒的下午茶。
Totally agree with your new twitter update. I spent an entire day last week choosing the background colors of my website.
Maybe we should attend the internet rehab together. http://www.scientificamerican.com/blog/60-second-science/post.cfm?id=breaking-free-from-the-web-new-reha-2009-08-21
Not far away.
That's a scary article. I checked its "Signs & Symptoms List" -- definitely abuse, and pretty close to addiction.
I think I still need to separate "work station" and "entertainment center". Maybe I should just use my eeepc on sofa and leave the desk for work only. Also it might be a good idea to recharge the netbook only once per day during the night. Then when the battery dies, I'd know it's time to stop......
Good idea. I think I need a partition between work and leisure as well. Even though I hide my entertainment netbook lately, I use my IBM work machine to do entertainment all the time. I really need to uninstall those fun-related applications ...
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