Saturday, August 23, 2008

Tales of the Dominion War - Mirror Eyes

  再一篇Star Trek小說心得,I really shouldn't start writing about Star Trek. There's so much I want to talk about!

  Mirror Eyes講Dominion製造的傳染病在DS9上爆發,雖然是頗嚴重的危機,不過其實全篇走輕鬆幽默路線,主角是個偽裝成Vulcan的Romulan,潛伏在DS9上當間諜收集情報,因為精神壓力太大〈不是害怕被發現,只是不適應環境、再加上Romulans跟Federation變成同盟,她這個間諜毫無用武之地〉,開始寫日記發牢騷,搞笑的內心話完全顛覆影集中Romulans嚴肅冷酷的形象。

  這集的場景在DS9,Enterprise來了,McCoy跟EMH也有出場,甚至還提到Phlox,crossover絕對是讀小說最大的樂趣之一,我覺得作者的EMH寫得很傳神,尤其是最後主角被揭發是因為"the EMH is enough of an egomaniac that he believes that anything you could do, he could do better",然後"(the EMH) pointing his finger at random people and demanding they submit to a subcellular probe. Thinks he's quite a spymaster now.",完全可以想像這段如果拍成影集的話EMH的表情和動作~

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