Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas Party

  被嘲笑說很久沒有更新blog 了,所以決定試著追述這幾個月的生活點滴,其實常常發生有趣的事,照了相打算回家寫blog,可是想寫的內容太多,敝人生性懶散,結果到頭來什麼都沒寫,實在不應該對自己抱太大的期望,以後降低標準,只要放張照片,簡短兩句話記個大概就好......先從今天的聖誕派對開始,目標一天一篇!?

  Christmas Party at WL's place. I had a really great time! The white elephant gift exchange was a lot of fun. Everyone tried to get rid of that candle holder. I got FRAN's dark chocolate sauce, lucky~

  Loaded Questions is a great party board game. Easy rules and lots of player interaction. Too bad I live in a tiny studio and can't host any party. If I were still in my old apartment, I'd definitely buy it right away. Or maybe I like this game so much only because I was the winner?

  The party was originally a potluck. I brought a homemade green tea cheesecake. But I accidentally burned the surface, and made things even worse while trying to cut off the burnt part. To cover up the cracks, I topped the cake with green tea frosting, raspberries and whipping cream. Well, at least the color was very Christmasy.